Lyrics Search

Lyrics Search makes it easy find a song by the lyrics. Just enter the lyrics and enjoy the full song.

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What is Lyrics Search?

Lyrics Search is an online lyrics look up tool designed to find any song by the lyrics. If you have a song in mind but struggle to remember the name, this tool is perfect for you. It quickly finds the song based on the lyrics you entered. It can easily search across millions of songs to find the song for the lyrics you entered.

Why use Lyrics Search?

The idea is pretty simple. We help people find songs by the lyrics. All you need to do is enter the lyrics of the song to search for the song. Thats it! Then you get all of the possible songs from the lyrics lookup. If thats not enough, you can enter some more lyrics search again to find more possible songs.

How do I use the Lyrics Search?

All you need to do is enter the lyrics of the song you want to search for. Then just hit enter and enjoy as the lyric searcher finds the song by the lyrics. Each search generates possible songs for the lyrics you entered. If that is not enough, you can always enter more lyrics to get even more songs until it gets the correct one you are looking for.

Is Lyrics Search Free?

Yes, it's completely free. We don't charge anything for using Lyrics Search. You can enter as many lyrics as you like and search for any many songs as you want.

How does Lyrics Search find songs?

We use a lot of songs and the help of AI. We scrapped millions of songs and put the lyrics into a machine learning model. When a user enters the lyrics to a song, we use the AI to find the song by lyrics. The closer the lyrics match the song, the better the results but it still does a good job even if some lyrics are incorrect.